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Society has moved forward in leaps and bounds especially with the awareness of mental health. Gone are the days where ignorance reigned supreme and people were scared and hesitant towards mental conditions. The stereotypical reaction towards people suffering from extreme mental conditions such as mental retardation, schizophrenia and other cases of extreme symptoms from mental disorders were looked upon with concern and pity because they were evident and obvious. Thanks to research, a shift in perspective and of course a lot of understanding we have now come to understand that even depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, mood disorders etc.. Are equally important, life-threatening and difficult to treat without medical attention.
Substance abuse/addiction was one of the very common mental disorders that weren’t given its rightful empathy, attention and treatment. Generations have gone by where addicts have been thrown aside, cursed, reprimanded and hated by most of society who blamed the addict for being a ‘bad person’. Just as schizophrenia has its symptoms like the most common one being hallucinations, the same way addictions most common symptom is destruction. Today we are more aware of the disease of addiction and the harm it can cause to not only the addict but also the family member. Yet one question arises, how do we help the addict?
Drug Rehabilitation Centres are the backbone of treatment of addiction, allowing not only the addict to get help both psychologically as well as psychiatrically but it has proven time and time again to also lend help the family of the addict who is in as much turmoil as the addict him/herself.

Below will be some points discussing the symptoms of the addict and the treatment of the rehabilitation centre for drug addicts will provide to ensure successful recovery of the addict.

Stopping the substance for the addict is a very difficult process. The withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, palpitations, muscle aches, sweating can range from mild to extreme. These withdrawal symptoms are usually why an addict finds it difficult to stop using his/substance. Drug rehabilitation centres, as well as alcohol rehabilitation centres, are completely medically aware on how to handle the addict’s withdrawal, through therapy as well as medication if needed the addict’s withdrawals will be dealt with medically so that there is no harm done and the substance leaves the body as comfortably as possible.

Controlled environment:
It is vital for the addict to be in a controlled environment where when they are at their weakest they cannot get a hold of their substance and fulfil their urges. This controlled environment allows them not only to be away from the substances but also gives them space to review and reflect. This space will get them to look at their problems from another perspective creating new ways of thinking and dealing with their disease.

Denial of the disease:
The most common symptom of an addict is the strong denial that he/she is suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs or both. This denial is slowly broken in the Drug rehabilitation centre with the appropriate counselling, making the addict gain knowledge of the disease of addiction and making them interact with other addicts who have gone through similar experiences. The denial of the disease is the most difficult one to deal with and only experienced counsellors and doctors can make this possible in a controlled environment.

Majority of addicts are unable to live a disciplined life with a routine to ensure their mental and emotional wellbeing. Rehabilitation centres are made to allow the addict to get habituated to discipline and routine so that it creates a behavioural pattern which will be followed outside the rehabilitation centre in the real world.

Psychiatric conditions:
With a team of doctors specialising in addiction the person suffering from addiction will be treated of any psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety or any other disorders that the Doctor notices in them. The doctor after observing the addict and understanding his/her case will prescribe the necessary medication; if needed to ensure mental stability in the patient.

Addiction also creates a personality disorder with a lot of unhealthy emotions creating havoc within the addict. Certified psychotherapists will counsel and help the patient work through unhealthy emotions and allow them to let go of past baggage. These sessions with a psychotherapist will allow the patient to create a new healthy mindset and give a fresh new perspective to dealing with life and all its problems.

Coping techniques:
The entire team of counsellors and doctors will work towards helping the addict create various coping techniques to deal with the disease in the outside world. These coping techniques will be tailor-made for the patient in question after observing and counselling him/her and understanding his/her triggers and weak points. The techniques and ways to stay away from the substance will be taught over a period in the rehabilitation centre so that when they are finally in the real world they will refrain from abusing substances over and over again.

The family of the addict is also made aware of the disease and the best way to help the addict and contribute to his/her recovery. As family members, rehabs are aware of how much emotional pain families also go through and hence Rehabilitation centres assure that families are also given counselling to make certain of their own positive emotional health and ways for them to come to terms with the disease of addiction.

Drug Rehabilitation Centres work towards reformation and recovery of the addict. It is important to know that people suffering from this disease cannot just ‘stop’ and as much as the family loves them they are in no place to treat the addict medically or psychologically and hence it is very important to admit them in Rehabilitation Centre’s to protect their physical and emotional safety.
Addiction is a mental illness and cannot be treated at home, let us work together to give the addict a respectful and successful chance at life.

24 Jul, 2022

Navachaitanya Old Age Homes

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